#TBT: Krispy Kreme’s 80th Birthday

Krispy Kreme opened its first store 80 years ago today in Winston-Salem. To celebrate the beginning of the famous North Carolina company, we’ve created a gallery (at the bottom of the page) of news articles, ads, and photos from its history.

Want to learn more about Krispy Kreme? Start with Bridget Madden’s excellent blog post for the North Carolina Collection’s This Month in North Carolina History from 2009 for a brief overview of the company’s history or Krispy Kreme’s own timeline on their website.

UNC also has two great books on Krispy Kreme, Glazed America: a history of the doughnut by Paul R. Mullins and Making dough: the 12 secret ingredients of Krispy Kreme’s sweet success by Kirk Kazanjian & Amy Joyner.

Finally, this video from the Smithsonian (the source of the GIF at the beginning of this post) discusses the innovative process Krispy Kreme invented to make their doughnuts:

Click on an image to enlarge it.